Last week on BNPR FB group (week of 22 Sept 2013)

We are introducing this new segment we call, “last week on BNPR FB group.” The main aim is to get content without us hunting for them. The secondary aim is to get artists and enthusiasts to talk more broadly on expressive rendering (ER). The third goal is to tell everyone that photo realistic (PR) rendering is just one style, why settle for one style when you can have your own signature styles. Let’s jump into what was posted last week.

1. Bayu Itra posted about a helicopter in the Akari project.


You can find the project at

2. Muji Agus Subekti posted about a test render he did as a freestyle study

FreeStyle Study

3. Light BWK posted about lighting being not very important in NPR/ER.

Lighting isn't important in ER

Image is taken directly from the DVD of the movieĀ From Kokuriko Hill by Studio Ghibli

4. Helo Jammer shared a wonderful painting and drawing website, It’s a wonderful website. Worth checking out.

5. Mclelun Lee posted a WIP of his very Malaysian school classroom.

Malaysian Classroom WIP

Few Blenderheads suggested ways to make his render more 2D-ish. He also posted an updated image (not above) of the classroom with the improvement.

6. Light BWK posted a study of glossy object with mirror material. Done with Blender Internal and Freestyle.

Glossy material study

7. Light BWK also posted about a sneak peek of a freestyle course he co-produce with Lee Posey

Freestyle Course Teaser

ETA: Soon. Any update will be posted in the FB group and here.

You can find these posts, join discussion and more at

Happy blending!

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