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Blender Extended Expressive Rendering Initiative:

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[fruitful_tab title=”What is BEER?”] Blender Extended Expressive Rendering or BEER is a shader system specially designed to be able to produce limitless shader styles. Few “out of the box styles” include, cel shading, soft-toon, x-toon, watercolor, hatching and halftone. BEER is built for speed! BEER will have realtime preview on the viewport, press F12 when you want to rasterize your image only.  [/fruitful_tab]
[fruitful_tab title=”How BEER works?”] BEER is layer based shader system with shader modifiers. Shader primitives are layered in a stack (from bottom up) to form the final result. It is very intuitive to setup and easy to master. Freeing you to produce endless styles hence not worrying about the abyss of technical know-how. BEER is WYSIWYG. YUM! [/fruitful_tab]
[fruitful_tab title=”I want BEER!!!”] BEER is currently under development. BNPR is crowd funding the development. Please Donate to Blender Extended Expressive Rendering (BEER) Development Fund. You can check the status of the funding here.[/fruitful_tab]
[fruitful_tab title=”I want to know more!!!”]  BEER Forum | Podcast Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3 [/fruitful_tab]

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