BEER Development Update #14
Malt Weekly Report (September 25)
- Implemented the most common diffuse (Lambert, Oren-Nayar, Burley) and specular (Phong, Blinn-Phong, GGX, Beckman, Cook-Torrance) shading models (Shading/ShadingModels.glsl).
I also added an example showing how to implement custom shading materials (advanced_custom_shading.glsl). It defaults to a basic PBR shader. - Speculars now use a roughness parameter instead of shininess. (range 0 to 1)
- Added basic color utilities for shaders (Common/Color.glsl).
- Improved sun shadow maps in ortho view and added a shader to visualize shadow cascades (debug_cascades.glsl).
- Initial work on ambient occlusion. Should be ready to publish early next week.
NOTE: Milestones 1 and 2 are now 100% complete.
Forgot to mention last week: matcap is ready to roll
–Miguel Pozo
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